Plants with White Flowers
Plants with white flowers can be found in many plant families; in the spring they are commonly found in the chickweed and mouse-ear family,
small to very small plants that can be obvious as early as late February or early March. Later in the year, shrubs with white flowers are common -
especially in the viburnum group and in the rose family.
If you are struggling to identify a white flower, it is always worth bearing in mind that white color forms of normally red or blue-flowered species
occur from time to time; where we have pictures of these, they are included here.
Within the color sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other.
This should help to reduce your search time. Also, in cases where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here,
but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture
of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.
Tall Meadow-rue |
American Burnweed |
Dog-fennel |
Ditch Stonecrop |
arrowheads |
arrowheads |
bedstraws |
snowdrops |
white crucifers |
crucifers with notched petals |
Umbellate Bastard-toadflax
virgin's bowers |
bedstraws |
Purslane Speedwell |
Maryland Meadow-beauty
Lindheimer's Beeblossom
Virginia Buttonweed
Chameleon Plant
Lowland Rotala |
sandmats |
mint family |
Enchanter's- nightshade |
chickweeds |
mouse-ears |
Jagged Chickweed
pearlworts |
Green Carpetweed |
American Wood Anemone |
sundews |
Common Buckwheat |
American Strawberry |
Dwarf Mallow |
Carolina Crane's-bill |
Common Larkspur |
Sweet William |
White Avens |
Spotted Wintergreen |
American Featherfoil |
Shaggy-soldier |
sanicles |
phloxes |
Slender Sea-purslane |
knotgrasses |
water-peppers |
Nettle-leaved Vervain |
pansies |
white violets |
Moth Mullein |
mallows |
Flowering Spurge |
Madagascar Periwinkle |
Pyxie |
White Stonecrop |
Umbellate Bastard-toadflax
Indian Dogbane |
nightshades |
Coast Jointweed |
American Brookweed |
Lance-leaved Marsh-pink |
white asters |
Carolina Horsenettle
onions |
Common Star-of-Bethlehem |
Bur Cucumber |
loosestrifes |
Common Hyacinth
daffodils |
yuccas |
bellworts |
snowdrops |
orchids |
colicroots |
American White Water-lily |
Chickweed- wintergreen
Bur Cucumber |
chamomiles & mayweeds |
fleabanes |
Ox-eye Daisy
white lettuces |
Chicory |
Mexican Cosmos |
Prostrate Eclipta |
European Lily-of-the-valley |
mint family |
White Melilot |
tares |
bush-clovers |
Narrow-leaved Cow-wheat
White Turtlehead
mint family
phloxes |
white-flowered clovers
Asiatic Spike-sedge |
White Beak-sedge |
pipeworts |
milkworts |
cresses and mustards |
bush-clovers |
mint family |
marsh pennyworts |
Wild Sarsaparilla
nightshades |
American Brookweed |
Garlic Chives |
Coast Jointweed |
knotweeds |
Common Buckwheat |
Smartweeds |
colicroots |
lily-of-the-valley family |
Nettle-leaved Vervain |
bluebells |
Slender Snakecotton |
American Pokeweed |
White Melilot |
Lizard's-tail |
ladies'-tresses |
yuccas |
orchids |
Large-bracted Plantain |
crotons |
American Yarrow |
umbellifers |
thoroughworts |
white asters
Hyssop-leaved Thoroughwort |
pussytoes |
bonesets & thoroughworts |
Sweet Everlasting
American Burnweed |
sandmats |
spiderflowers |
phloxes |
Indian Dogbane |
hollies |
spindles |
Common Persimmon
European Mock-orange
Flowering Dogwood
chokeberries & pears |
plums & cherries |
roses |
brambles |
Swamp Azalea
Mountain-laurel |
Sweetbay Magnolia |
Southern Catalpa |
Bridalwreath Spiraea
blueberries |
Black Locust
honeysuckles |
Black Cherry |
Virginia Sweetspire
Common Sweet Pepperbush |
Common Butterfly-bush |
Hybrid Abelia |
Moonseed |
Eastern Poison-ivy |
viburnums and elders
dogwoods |
virgin's bowers |
Common Buttonbush |
poplars |
Crape-myrtle |