Plants with Red or Pink Flowers
Plants with red or pink flowers (especially the latter) can be found in many plant families and are a very diverse bunch in our area. Many small, almost prostrate species, typically
flowering in spring or early summer may be found, will the rose and pea families in particular have many species in this color group.
It is worth bearing in mind that red (usually produced by anthocyanins) can be a very unstable color in plants and many pink or red flowers fade to whitish long before they petals eventually
wither and fall. In addition, white color forms of red-flowered species are not that uncommon and can cause confusion.
Within the color sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other.
This should help to reduce your search time. Also, in cases where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here,
but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture
of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.
Silktree |
Pink Evening-primrose |
willowherbs |
meadow-beauties |
Honesty |
American Sea Rocket |
bedstraw family |
Large Cranberry |
Pink Spiderflower |
Lowland Rotala |
poppies |
bedstraws |
Five Petals |
sea-spurries |
pinks |
Lesser Centaury |
marsh-pinks |
Common Stork's-bill |
Moss Phlox |
Trailing Arbutus |
marsh St. John's-worts |
milkweeds |
spring-beauties |
Common Soapwort |
Proliferous Pink |
crane's-bills |
crane's-bills |
mallows |
mallows |
Scarlet Flax |
Common Purslane |
Scarlet Pimpernel |
Herb Robert |
Madagascar Periwinkle |
Madagascar Periwinkle |
Pink-sorrel |
Rose Campion |
Sweet William |
Sweet William |
Phloxes |
Four-o'clocks |
Four-o'clocks |
 |  |
Black Swallow-wort |
Indian-tobacco |
Cardinal-flower |
pitcherplants |
Swamp-pink |
purple loosestrifes |
Tuberous Grass-pink |
pink orchids |
Creeping Lilyturf |
Common Hyacinth |
American Turk's-cap Lily |
Water-shield |
Rose-moss |
Mexican Cosmos |
white lettuces |
asters |
Japanese Clover |
bush-clovers |
tick-trefoils |
vetches |
bush-clovers |
Red Columbine |
blueberries & huckleberries
Trumpet Honeysuckle |
false-foxgloves |
Lavender Bladderwort |
huckleberries |
Pinesap |
mint family |
Feverwort |
Beechdrops |
mint family |
toadflaxes |
American Lopseed |
Moccasin-flower |
balsams |
Hybrid Petunia |
bindweeds |
phloxes |
plantain-lilies |
Common Cornflower |
vetches |
Red Clover |
bush-clovers |
Swamp-pink |
purple loosestrifes |
Kudzu Vine |
catchflies |
milkworts |
milkweeds |
Climbing Hempweed |
joe-pye-weeds |
Purplish Cudweed |
Saltmarsh Fleabane |
thistles |
knapweeds & ironweeds |
Wild Onion |
smartweeds |
milkworts |
mint family |
Common Soapwort |
docks & sorrels |
mint family |
blazing stars |
orchids |
Cardinal-flower |
Hybrid Bluebell |
Meadow Garlic |
Racemed Milkwort |
Creeping Lilyturf |
Silktree |
maples |
elms |
Sheep-laurel |
roses |
Hybrid False-quince |
Kudzu Vine |
Rose Glorybower |
Chinese Beautyberry |
cotoneasters |
Steeplebush |
Trumpet Honeysuckle
shrubby Honeysuckles
blueberries & huckleberries
Coralberry |
poplars |
cherries |
locusts |
tamarisks |
Crape-myrtle |
Pink Azalea |
Common Butterfly-bush |