The Spring-beauties
What are they?
The Spring-beauties are a somewhat confusing bunch, as they rather resemble one or two other families of plants and this can cause confusion when trying to identify them. Though a widespread family of low herbaceous plants, just a single species grows in our area. Spring-beauties are attractive woodland plants, forming part of the impressive spring flora of the piedmont river valleys.
Where are they found?
Our one species is a rare plant of rich, damp woodland soil, growing among other spring flora.
The five-petalled flowers could be mistaken for members of the campion and chickweed family, but the pink veined petals, combined with the almost grass-like, slightly fleshy leaves are distinctive.
Virginia Spring-beauty Claytonia virginica
Rare in rich, loamy woodland, this species seems only ever to have been known from a single site in Cape May County. Flowers late April to early May.