Plants with Green or Brown Flowers
Green or brown flowers are most often found on plants that are not insect-pollinated and generally have rather small petals. Many of them are wind-pollinated and so do not need to advertise their wares with bright colors.
This section also includes a number of plants with flowers that are completely petalless (thus appear green) or plants whose flowers may be reddish or whitish in color but appear insignificant because they are so small.
Within the colour sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other. This should help to reduce your search time. Also, in cases where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here, but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
No apparent Flowers - aquatic plants (see also Ferns, Clubmosses and Allies) |
No Petals |
Four Petals |
Five Petals |
Pitcherplant |
Six Petals |
Cucumber-root |
False-helleborine |
Tubular Flowers (petals fused into a tube-like form) |
Many-flowered Heads |
Woody Trees, Shrubs & Climbers |