Plants with Blue or Purple Flowers
Plants with blue or purple flowers are not particularly common in our area compared with other color groups, but there's certainly enough to cause a bit of
head-scratching from time to time. Some classic plants in this group include the speedwells, members of the mint family, violets, crane's-bills and the thistles.
If you are struggling to identify a blue flower, it is always worth bearing in mind that white color forms of normally blue or purple-flowered species
occur from time to time and can cause a little confusion.
Within the color sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other.
This should help to reduce your search time. Also, in cases where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here,
but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture
of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.
Asiatic Day-flower |
irises |
spiderworts |
speedwells |
bluets |
crane's-bills |
periwinkles |
Clasping Venus's Looking-glass |
gentians |
Carolina Sea-lavender |
vervains |
Common Cornsalad |
forget-me-nots |
larkspurs |
violets |
pansies |
bluecurls |
lobelias |
Carolina Horsenettle |
Bittersweet |
columbines |
Love-in-a-mist |
Common Flax |
Spring Starflower |
Crocuses |
Narrow-leaved Blue-eyed-grass |
Glory-of-the-snow |
Large Lilyturf |
irises |
Spring Crocus |
Common Hyacinth |
Purple Pasionflower |
asters |
Chicory |
Compact Grape-hyacinth |
mint family |
mint family |
lobelias |
Japanese Mazus |
vetches |
Canadian Toadflax |
Apple-of-Peru |
morning-glories |
Common Thorn-apple |
gentians |
gentians |
Spring Crocus |
Rattlesnake-master |
thistles |
Compact Grape-hyacinth |
Common Cornflower |
Blue Mistflower |
Canadian Toadflax |
Wild Bergamot |
Lucerne |
Carolina Sea-lavender |
Common Cornsalad |
vervains |
forget-me-nots |
lupines |
vetches |
larkspurs |
Pickerelweed |
mint family |
Common Hyacinth |
bluebells |
Large Lilyturf |
wisterias |
Common Lilac |
Common Butterfly-bush |
Chaste-tree |
Foxglove-tree |
Duke of Argyll's Teaplant |
Purple Passionflower |