Plants with Yellow or Orange Flowers
Plants with yellow or orange flowers are a pretty diverse bunch, but there are some key families that contain a large number of the species. The aster family is a good
place to start as it contains some large groups, such as sunflowers & tickseeds, dandelions and allies and goldenrods. Other important groups include the evening-primroses,
st. John's-worts, buttercups, brassicas, trefoils and the lily family.
Within the color sections, the pictures are grouped so that similar-looking (though not necessarily closely-related) plants will be near each other.
This should help to reduce your search time. Also, in cases where there are a number of very similar species, a representative species is shown here,
but clicking on it will take you to a page that tells you how to tell the more difficult species apart.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture
of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.
Golden-club |
Groundsel |
beggar-ticks |
pineapple-weed |
buttercups |
yellow-eyed-grasses |
irises |
Carolina Redroot |
st. John's-worts |
yellow crucifers |
yellow crucifers |
evening-primroses |
Golden Hedge-hyssop |
Seedbox |
evening-primroses |
bedstraws |
primrose-willows |
Greater Celandine |
California Poppy |
buttercups |
flaxes |
mulleins |
cinquefoils |
buttercups |
frostweeds |
cucumbers & gourds |
Buffalo-bur |
spurges |
Prickly Wireweed |
agrimonies |
primrose-willows |
cinquefoils |
Velvetleaf |
wood-sorrels |
st. John's-worts |
Common Purslane |
hudsonias |
Common Partridge-pea |
Sensitive Partridge-pea |
stonecrops |
Whorled Loosestrife |
cucumbers & gourds |
prairie coneflowers |
Tomato |
greenbriers |
Yellow Star-grass |
Yellow loosestrifes |
irises |
Goldencrest |
Water-lilies |
Hybrid Daffodil |
Spring Crocus |
Lilies |
Orange Day-lily |
Northern Prickly-pear |
Lesser Celandine |
French Marigold |
French Marigold |
Rose-moss |
yellow daisies |
sunflowers & allies |
sunflowers & allies |
Common Blanketflower |
Golden Tickseed |
lettuces & dandelions |
lettuces & dandelions |
lettuces & dandelions |
toadflaxes |
vetches |
Golden Hedge-hyssop |
bladderworts |
false-foxgloves |
ground-cherries |
Yellow Bartonia |
Spring Crocus |
Spotted Touch-me-not |
Trumpet Creeper |
Small Red Morning-glory |
Carolina Redroot |
Tansy |
beggar-ticks |
Groundsel |
yellow crucifers |
spurges |
medicks & trefoils |
mulleins |
Yellow Thistle |
Safflower |
Fennel |
fragrant goldenrods |
yellow loosestrifes |
melilots |
goldenrods |
goldenrods |
orange orchids |
Orange Milkwort |
Butterfly Milkweed |
Spotted Beebalm |
oaks |
birches & alders |
willows |
maples |
sumacs |
Pride-of-India |
Tree-of-heaven |
Norway Maple
Ohio Buckeye |
Flowering Dogwood
Common Forsythia
barberries |
Sassafras |
Northern Spicebush |
Orange Butterfly-bush |
American Tulip-tree |
Trumpet Creeper
Intermediate Witch-hazel |