Grasses, Sedges & Rushes
Throw up your hands in horror! Grasses and grass-like plants instil a feeling of terror in many people, but in reality many of them are not that difficult to identify. Part of the
problem is unfamiliarity, coupled with the fact that there are an awful lot of inadequate books on the subject. This section by no means covers all the species in Cape May county as yet, but will be
added to as new photos are taken. For now at least, you will find pretty much all the common species, including the introduced, European species that abound here.
Under the catch-all title of grass-like plants, you will find all the sedges, rushes and other related plants which, by and large, tend to occur in wetland habitats.
Unlike the other sections that start with flower color, this group starts with the overall impression of the flowering spike. Inevitably, some species are hard to categorize and the section labelled
as 'spikey plants' is something of an odd-ball collection of species that don't fit anywhere else. If in doubt, try several sections and gradually narrow down your search. Note that some grass species, most notably
bamboos, flower rarely so you might try the 'no flowers' section below.
If you still can't find your plant, you either have something very interesting that you may wish to tell us about, or we just haven't got a picture
of it yet - we're still working on the latter!!
Click on the pictures below to go to the species pages.
bamboos |
Bulbous Meadow-grass |
Japanese Stilt-grass |
Heath Wood-rush |
spikerushes |
spikerushes |
umbrella-sedges |
bulrushes |
rushes |
cotton-grasses |
Rough Dog's-tail |
Annual Beard-grass |
spike-sedges |
Marsh Spike-grass |
Sweet Vernal-grass |
sedges |
sedges |
flat-sedges |
bur-grasses |
sedges |
sedges |
finger-grasses |
Forked Beard-grass |
sedges |
Trifid Flat-sedge |
rye-grasses |
Slender Spike-grass |
Bulbous Meadow-grass |
beard-grasses |
threeawns |
oat-grasses |
Common Couch |
squirrel-tail fescues |
nut-rushes |
rushes |
Wool-grass |
beak-sedges |
rushes |
|  |
Annual Cut-grass |
love-grasses |
Yorkshire-fog |
meadow-grasses |
Reflexed Saltmarsh-grass |
bromes |
bromes |
bromes |
|  |
Cock's-foot |
cockspur-grasses |
Great Millet |
sedges |
sedges |
cord-grasses |
bulrushes |
Globe Flat-sedge |
Black Spear-grass |
woodland grasses |
fescues |
Annual Wild-rice |
Weeping Love-grass |
Northern Sweet-grass |
Switch-grass |
feathergrasses |
feathergrasses |
feathergrasses |
Purpletop |
Silver Hair-grass |
Wild-oat |
Diffuse Crab-grass |
Purple Lovegrass |
rushes |
Wavy Hair-grass |
panic-grasses |
Wavy Hair-grass |
bents |
cattails |
bristle-grasses |
Nodding Bristle-grass |
barleys |
cord-grasses |
American Beach-grass |
Yorkshire-fog |
fescues |
Nimble-will |
Rat's-tail Fescue |
Timothy |
sedges |
sedges |
swampgrasses |
Wrinkled Joint-grass |
Prairie Wedgescale |
Smut-grass |
Manilagrass |