The Tineidae
What are they?
Tiny moths, many of which feed on detritus as larvae and are found in dusty places such as outbuildings. Some specialize in feeding on the detritus in more natural locations such as bird nests. members of this family were once familiar as 'clothes moths', which would leave holes in carpets and stored clothing. However, modern textiles tend to be impregnated with products that deter these larvae and such species are much rarer now than they once were.
Generally a fairly easy group to identify, though all species are small and a hand lens may be required.
00279 Diachorisia velatella
Length: 5mm Flight Time: Larval Food:
00301 Homostinea curviliniella
Length: 4mm Flight Time: Larval Food:
00317 Speckled Xylesthia Xylesthia pruniramiella
Length: 6-7mm Flight Time: June-July Larval Food: Plum.
00415 Gold-headed Monopis Monopis crocicapitella
Length: Flight Time: Larval Food:
00418.1 Pavlovski's Monopis Monopis pavlovskii
Length: Flight Time: Larval Food:
Introduced from Asia.