The Sphinx Moths
What are they?
The sphinxes are a rather variable group of moths, many of which are well known for their large size as well as their large and impressive larvae. The family also includes the hummingbird clearwing moths, day-flying species which nectar-feed conspicuously at flowers.
Most species are readily identified by their wing color and markings, though the hummingbird clearwings can be tricky unless seen well and their identification depends on leg color as well as wing details.
07775 Carolina Sphinx Manduca sexta
Length: 53-60mm. Flight Time: May-October. Larval Food: Members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) including potatoes and tomatoes.
07776 Five-spotted Hawkmoth Manduca quinquemaculatus
Length: 50-70mm. Flight Time: May-October. Larval Food: Members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae) including potatoes and tomatoes.
07784 Pawpaw Sphinx Dolba hyloeus
Length: 30-35mm. Flight Time: June-September. Larval Food: A range of trees and shrubs, in our area most likely members of the holly family (Aquifoliaceae).
07789 Catalpa Sphinx Ceratomia catalpae
Length: 30-50mm. Flight Time: April-October. Larval Food: Leaves of Catalpa trees.
07816 Southern Pine Sphinx Lapara coniferarum
Length: 30-35mm. Flight Time: June-August. Larval Food: Pine needles (Pinaceae).
07824 Blind-eyed Sphinx Paonias excaecata
Length: 35-50mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
07825 Small-eyed Sphinx Paonias myops
Length: 32-35mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
07826 Huckleberry Sphinx Paonias astylus
Length: 32-35mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees and shrubs.
07827 Walnut Sphinx Amorpha juglandis
Length: 30-40mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
07855 Snowberry Clearwing Hemaris diffinis
Length: 18-25mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Known to feed on dogbane and members of the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae).
Best told from the similar Hummingbird Clearwing by the blackish legs and underside to the abdomen.
07859 Pandorus Sphinx Eumorpha pandorus
Length: 45-60mm. Flight Time: June-August. Larval Food: Members of the vine family (Vitaceae).
07865 Banded Sphinx Eumorpha fasciata
Length: 28-38mm. Flight Time: May-November. Larval Food: Members of the evening-primrose family (Onagraceae).
07885 Virginia Creeper Sphinx Darapsa myron
Length: 28-38mm. Flight Time: March-September. Larval Food: Mostly vines (Vitaceae) but also known from Viburnum (Caprifoliaceae).
07890 Tersa Sphinx Xylophanes tersa
Length: 35-45mm. Flight Time: May-October. Larval Food: Members of the bedstraw family (Rubiaceae).
07894 White-lined Sphinx Hyles lineata
Length: 30-45mm. Flight Time: March-November. Larval Food: Wide range of plants, especially the rose (Rosaceae) and evening-primrose (Onagraceae) families.