Clearwing Moths
What are they?
The clearwing moths are a remarkable group of insects, most of which are wasp mimics. They have largely membranous, unscaled wings and variously black-and-yellow banded abdomens. Though they can be quite common, many species are small and rarely detected as they visit woodland flowers for nectar.
The relatively long antennae with slightyly broadened tips, together with the tuft of hairs at the tip of the abdomen, help to tell these moths from true wasps, flies and other similarly-marked insects. Wing pattern and the precise patterning of colored bands on the abdomen identify most species fairly readily.
02549 Dogwood Borer Synanthedon scitula
Length: 8-12mm. Flight Time: July-September. Larval Food: Larva bores into the stems of a variety of hardwood trees.