The Depressariids and Oecophorids
What are they?
Small to tiny moths, some of which may require a hand lens to aid identification. A common feature in these families is found in the palps, which tend to be large, protrude in front of the head and curve upwards - not unlike inverted handlebars on a racing bicycle! The small species tend to have wings folded flat on the back with one slightly overlapping the other and are usually more or less almond-shaped in outline. The tiny species have tent-folded wings.
Tent-folded species are mostly fairly straight forward to identify, based on wing markings. The flat-winged species are more difficult to identify with some species requiring dissection.
00951 Gold-striped Leaf-tier Machimia tentoriferella
Length: 10-13mm. Flight Time: August-October. Larval Food: Various trees and shrubs.
01034 Black-marked Inga Inga sparsiciliella
Length: 8mm. Flight Time: July-September. Larval Food:
01046 Orange-headed Epicallima Epicallima argenticinctella
Length: 5-7mm. Flight Time: March-September. Larval Food:
01047.1 Suzuki's Promalactis Promalactis suzukiella
Length: Flight Time: Larval Food: