The Prominents
What are they?
The prominents are a rather diverse bunch of often cryptically-colored moths. Their collective name may refer either to the 'humps' that appear on the backs of the larvae of many species, or perhaps to the tufts of hairs on the back and the rear edges of the wings which break up the outline of the moth when perched.
Most species can be readily distinguished by their wing markings, though some of the datana species can be tricky. Pair attention particularly to the shape and position of any stripes or cross bands.
07902 Common Datana Datana ministra
Length: 22-26mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: A range of woody trees and shrubs.
Larva is known as Yellow-necked Caterpillar
07903 Angus's Datana Datana angusii
Length: 20-25mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Hickories and walnuts (Juglandaceae).
07906 Contracted Datana Datana contracta
Length: 19-28mm. Flight Time: June-July. Larval Food: A range of woody trees and shrubs.
07907 Walnut Datana Datana integerrima
Length: 21-28mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Members of the walnut family (Juglandaceae).
07908 Spotted Datana Datana perspicua
Length: 23-28mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: Sumacs (Anacardiaceae).
07915 White-dotted Prominent Nadata gibbosa
Length: 19-30mm. Flight Time: April-October. Larval Food: A range of woody trees and shrubs.
07920 Angulose Prominent Peridea angulosa
Length: 19-26mm. Flight Time: May-October. Larval Food: Leaves of Oaks (Quercus spp.).
07931 Common Gluphisia Gluphisia septentrionalis
Length: 14-17mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Leaves of poplars (Populus spp.)
07951 White-headed Prominent Symmerista albifrons
Length: 18-22mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: leaves of oak trees (Quercus sp.).
07957 Black-spotted Prominent Dasylophia anguina
Length: 15-20mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: members of the pea family (Fabaceae).
07975 Mottled Prominent Macrurocampa marthesia
Length: 24-28mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
07983 Oblique-marked Prominent Heterocampa obliqua
Length: 20-28mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: Oak leaves (Quercus spp.).
07994 Saddled Prominent Heterocampa guttivitta
Length: 23-25mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: A range of woody trees and shrubs.
07998 Variable Prominent Lochmaeus manteo
Length: 20-27mm. Flight Time: April-October. Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
08006 Chestnut Prominent Schizura badia
Length: 17-20mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: Leaves of Viburnum species - in our area probably Southern Arrowwood.
08007 Unicorn Schizura unicornis
Length: 13-18mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: A range of woody trees and shrubs.