Nolas, Punkies, Baileyas and allies
What are they?
Generally small but often robust moths of forest habitats which are placed together in the family Nolidae. They are a fairly diverse bunch and many (especially the Nolas) have very bristly larvae which are often referred to as Punkies.
Most species are relatively easy to identify from a combination of their wing markings and overall shape.
08970 Eyed Baileya Baileya ophthalmica
Length: 10-12mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Hornbeams and hazels (Betulaceae).
08971 Sleepy Baileya Baileya dormitans
Length: 14-18mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: A range of deciduous forest trees.
08974 Small Characoma Garella nilotica
Length: 8-9mm. Flight Time: June-September. Larval Food: willows (Salicaceae).
08983.1 Coastal Plain Meganola Meganola phylla
Length: 7-12mm. Flight Time: April-August. Larval Food: Mostly oaks but also American Beech.
08996 Sweet Pepperbush Nola Nola clethrae
Length: 9-10mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Sweet Pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia).
08989 Sharp-blotched Nola Nola pustulata
Length: 9-10mm. Flight Time: May-July. Larval Food: