Marvels & Midgets
What are they?
Marvels and Midgets form two tribes (Pseudeustrotiini and Elaphriini) within the Noctuinae subfamily of the owlets. They are generally rather small for noctuids and may be brightly-marked or rather plain.
Most are easily identified from wing markings and colors. The Wedgeling is so-called because of its very distinctive, wedge-shaped outline when perched. It is rather variable in background color but the markings are fairly constant.
09053 Pink-barred Marvel Pseudeustrotia carneola
Length: 10-12mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: Docks & Smartweeds (Polygonaceae).
09057 Black Wedge-spot Homophoberia apicosa
Length: 11-13mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Smartweeds (Polygonaceae).
09679 Chalcedony Midget Elaphria chalcedonia
Length: 14mm. Flight Time: June-September. Larval Food: Members of the figwort family (Scrophulariaceae).
09684 Grateful Midget Elaphria grata
Length: 10-13mm. Flight Time: April-October. Larval Food:
09688 The Wedgeling Galgula partita
Length: 10-13mm. Flight Time: March-October. Larval Food: Yellow-sorrels (Oxalidaceae).