Wavy-lined Owlets

False Underwing Gray-banded Zale Lunate Zale Black Witch

What are they?

This group consists mostly of species in the genus Zale. This group includes many more species in the Tropics, one of which - the Black Witch - is the largest regularly-occuring moth in North America.


These highly cryptically-marked moths readily perch undetected on tree trunks during the day. Though the group is easily identified from other groups of moths, identifying some of the species can be difficult and attention to precise wing markings in required.

08649    Black Witch      Ascalapha odorata

Wingspan: 110-150mm.       Flight Time: July-October.       Larval Food: Members of the Pea Family (Fabaceae).
Black Witch

08689    Lunate Zale      Zale lunata

Wingspan: 40-55mm.       Flight Time: March-November.       Larval Food: A wide range of woody trees and shrubs.
Lunate Zale Lunate Zale Lunate Zale

08692    Maple Zale      Zale galbanata

Wingspan: 39-41mm.       Flight Time: April-October.       Larval Food: Maples (Aceraceae).
Maple Zale Maple Zale

08700    Gray-banded Zale      Zale squamularis

Wingspan: 35-40mm.       Flight Time: April-July.       Larval Food: Pine needles (Pinaceae).
Gray-banded Zale Gray-banded Zale

08721    False Underwing      Allotria elonympha

Wingspan: 19-24mm.       Flight Time: March-September.       Larval Food: A range of deciduous tree leaves.
False Underwing False Underwing False Underwing False Underwing