The Smaller Catocalines
What are they?
A miscellany of moths that are related to the underwings but tend to be smaller and generally (though not always) rather dull in color. These moths can most often be found amongst leaf litter in woodland and may often be disturbed during the day.
Species in this group are largely pretty easy to identify to species. Most have rather broadly triangular wings, but some are narrower in outline; some fold the wings flat over the back while others have a more tented appearance.
08514 Dead-wood Borer Scolecocampa liburna
Length: 19-24mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Probably decaying plant material and fungi.
08525 Curve-lined Owlet Phyprosopus callitrichoides
Length: 16-18mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Greenbrier (Smilacaceae)
08527 Large Necklace Hypsoropha monilis
Length: 16-21mm. Flight Time: April-August. Larval Food: Persimmon.
08528 Small Necklace Hypsoropha hormos
Length: 13-17mm. Flight Time: May-August. Larval Food: Persimmon.