Grass Loopers & Chocolates
What are they?
A group of small to medium sized moths which can often be flushed during the day. Many species feed on low, herbacous plants in open habitats and some have consequently become pests of arable crop species.
A fairly diverse bunch and mostly easily identified by their wing markings, though some could be mistaken for members of the Geometridae.
08727 Maple Looper Parallelia bistriaris
Wingspan: 33-43mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Maples, especially Red Maple (Acer rubrum).
08739 Forage Looper Caenurgina erechtea
Length: 15-21mm. Flight Time: March-November. Larval Food: Usually clovers or grasses.
08745 Texas Mocis Mocis texana
Length: 21-25mm. Flight Time: April-September. Larval Food: Grasses.
08762 Four-lined Chocolate Argyrostrotis quadrifilaris
Length: 14-15mm. Flight Time: April and July-August in two broods. Larval Food: Apparently cotton but presumably some other source in Cape May.
08765 Double-lined Doryodes Doryodes bistrialis
Length: 15-19mm. Flight Time: July-September. Larval Food: Grasses.