Silkworms & Allies

Spotted Apatelodes Spotted Apatelodes

What are they?

The larvae of the true silkworms are famous for providing us with the threads that we make into silk. Quite a number of moth species actually produce silky threads for their coccoons, especially this group, which contains a number of unusual moths that are sometimes placed in the silkworm family and sometimes split up into a number of smaller families.


A number of the moths in this group hide themselves during the day by adopting unusual stances and postures, designed to make them look like dead leaves or other inedible artefacts of the forest.

07663     Spotted Apatelodes      Apatelodes torrefacta

Length: 18-22mm.       Flight Time: May-August.       Larval Food: A range of deciduous trees.
Spotted Apatelodes Spotted Apatelodes Spotted Apatelodes