What are they?
Primitive moths with larvae that feed on the roots of grasses and thus are considered garden pests.
Grass-tubeworms can be initially identified by the remarkable long palps which are long and hairy and extend right back over the top of the head (almost like an extra pair of antennae). Identification to species is currently often not possible by external characteristics alone.
00333 Amydria dyarella
Length: 5-6mm. Flight Time: Larval Food:
00372 Eastern Grass-tubeworm Acrolophus plumifrontella
Length: 13-18mm. Flight Time: April-October. Larval Food: Grasses
00373 Clemens' Grass-tubeworm Acrolophus popeanella
Length: 12-17mm. Flight Time: May-September. Larval Food: Red Clover