Ground Beetles
What are they?
Forming the family Carabidae, ground beetles are a large and varied group. Many species are voracious hunters of other invertebrates, hunting actively across the ground - often at night. Many species are habitat-specific, some favoring shaded woodland, others being found in open, sandy ground. Many species can be found hiding under logs, stones and other objects during the day and some species inhabit basements.Ground beetles have large jaws and long legs and are very proficient runners; they are active hunters both as adults and as larvae. Though most species live on the ground and are largely active at night, some may be found hunting for caterpillars on tree trunks.
This is a very large family of beetles and most species are shiny black with grooved wing cases. Some groups are very hard to identify to species, but attempts to identify them should involve careful attention to leg structure and color and details of the antennae, head and the pronotum - the shield-like top to the thorax, just behind the head.
Fiery Searcher Calosoma scrutator
A spectacular, rainbow-colored species that hunts relentlessly on tree trunks for caterpillar prey. If found on the ground, these insects seem impossible to divert from their purpose and they are ever restless. Common in woodland.
Synuchus impunctatus
A shiny, jet black species with contrasting orange-brown legs. This species regularly enters buildings and is the species most likely to be found in basements, garages and similar sites.