Sap-feeding Beetles

Small Hive Beetle Small Hive Beetle

What are they?

A group of generally small and dark beetles that mostly feed on plant sap, rotting fruit and other sweet or fermenting products. They are such a diverse group, however, that some species have complex associations with bees or ants, while others feed on carrion. These are small and easily-overlooked species but they may sometimes be found feeding at flowers during the summer months.


A difficult group as most species are small and rather nondescript.

  Small Hive Beetle     Aethina tumida

Introduced from South Africa and first recorded in North America in 1998. A small, dark reddish brown beetle that has become a serious pest of bee hives. While they do not pose a direct threat to the bees, their number can overwhelm the hive, causing the queen and swarm to abandon the colony and depart.
Small Hive Beetle Small Hive Beetle Small Hive Beetle Small Hive Beetle
Larvae in bee hive